Monday 23 April 2007

Um, Hi!

I just realised that my 'Blogger' is called The-Crispy and to me that makes it sound like a newspaper. I originally wanted to call it 'The-Rich' but nevermind.

Just so you know this is me! If you're wondering who 'The Bev' is the Damnit man/woman! She's a legend and if you haven't heard of her than perhaps my next blog i shall talk all about her, i reckon i can do it until the cows come home.
Little things about me u need to know
  1. Unemployed (Job Hunting)
  2. Lives in England
  3. 19 years old
  4. Very tall
  5. I think The Bev is a legend (As my pic shows)
  6. I love my Vodka =]

Well i'm bored of this now and shall update it in a few days time.

Peace out!

Sexy people
