Thursday 31 May 2007

I have me a bottle of self esteem part 1

We it has been awhile since i last wrote on here.

Many things have happened some more interesting

than others.

Well let's start with this

98 lines man c'mon =] challenge anyone to beat it, especially

The Bev

Next is Gir

The mot loveable cartoon character EVER

He says things like

'Hello floor make me a sandwich'


'I was in the turkey all along'

Now this last one is of great importance to me cos she's my

Punk Rock Princess

Now whatever picture i pick she will say

'You had to put that one of me up didn't you?'

So in every blog i will put a picture of her in =]

The Punk Rock Prince has spoken!


Wednesday 2 May 2007

What i wanna say, tell me i'm an Angel

Hi! Tis me. Incase you didn't notice. Well I read Bevy's blog last night It's all true and i love her lotsies =]
Anyway let's talk about my day shall we?? Well i decided to watch something from my childhood, Ghostbusters. I love that film even now.

My Fav bit of the film is this line;

'We're going about this all wrong. This Mr. Stay Puff, is alright, he's a sailor, in New York all we gotta do is get him laid.'

Refering to this happy chappy

Might make Bevy watch it, if she hasn't seen it *ponders* Anyway i'm bored of typing this. I WILL write something more interesting and long like Bevy's. Gonna leave you with a couple more things

Dw i'n cariad ti


Who you gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!!!
