Tuesday 31 July 2007

I'm bringing sexy back

Woo! My illness is gone!!!
It is August now and i'm expecting alot of good things this month, like seeing of certain people and such like.
This will be a short blog cos it late at night and i have no energy to stay up much longer, also my left bum cheek is being made numb by the chair. Starting to think the chair has mini wasps inside it and the reason my bum gets so numb is cos they are repeatedly stinging it.
Ah fuck it, i can't be arsed to type anymore i'll type more another day!!
Get well soon Bevy!

Tuesday 24 July 2007

Walk away now and don't look back

Well, here I am, 3:00am at night writing a blog. Not gonna be the happiest blog i've done, mainly cos i'm extremely ill and feel dead =[

I can't stop fecking coughing, got a headache, sore throat, sneezing a feck load and i've been throwing up alot. I really should go to bed now, need sleep but, i can't be arsed to be honest. I know when i wake up in a couple of hours i'll feel shitter than before. I just want to shut myself away in my room and not come out for the rest of the week.

For some reason my mate Yasna jumped into my head (In a very Yasna way) and I guess it's cos i kinda miss her quite alot, even if she did (accidentally) attack me with a Badminton racket =[. She's a special friend to me, would tear my heart to pieces if anything bad were to happen to her. I just wondered what would Yasna say if i put a picture of her on here;
'Aww what you wrote was sweet, but did you really have to put a picture of me on there?'

I'm putting a picture up =p

I picked this picture because it has two pretty things;





Really starting to think i should gone to bed straight after throwing up, but i think one way or the other i'm not gonna get to sleep tonight.

I just noticed that the blog thing has an autosave function, that's pretty nifty to be honest. I've said that alot 'To be honest.' Dunno why though guess i'm in a very honest mood tonight.
Anyway this cough is driving me insane so i think i'm going to go to bed and try to sleep. I hope you are all feeling well. You lucky bastards =p.
Love you