Tuesday 24 July 2007

Walk away now and don't look back

Well, here I am, 3:00am at night writing a blog. Not gonna be the happiest blog i've done, mainly cos i'm extremely ill and feel dead =[

I can't stop fecking coughing, got a headache, sore throat, sneezing a feck load and i've been throwing up alot. I really should go to bed now, need sleep but, i can't be arsed to be honest. I know when i wake up in a couple of hours i'll feel shitter than before. I just want to shut myself away in my room and not come out for the rest of the week.

For some reason my mate Yasna jumped into my head (In a very Yasna way) and I guess it's cos i kinda miss her quite alot, even if she did (accidentally) attack me with a Badminton racket =[. She's a special friend to me, would tear my heart to pieces if anything bad were to happen to her. I just wondered what would Yasna say if i put a picture of her on here;
'Aww what you wrote was sweet, but did you really have to put a picture of me on there?'

I'm putting a picture up =p

I picked this picture because it has two pretty things;





Really starting to think i should gone to bed straight after throwing up, but i think one way or the other i'm not gonna get to sleep tonight.

I just noticed that the blog thing has an autosave function, that's pretty nifty to be honest. I've said that alot 'To be honest.' Dunno why though guess i'm in a very honest mood tonight.
Anyway this cough is driving me insane so i think i'm going to go to bed and try to sleep. I hope you are all feeling well. You lucky bastards =p.
Love you


Lew said...

consider consulting a GP you fool!=P

go to the doctors and have some anti-biotics before you really do die.


The-Bev said...


hopes u feeeeel better soon