Tuesday 19 June 2007


Gah! I'm so bored so i thought i'd update this.

Currently i'm listening to Mindless Self Indulgence.... They're a tad weird, but quite good. My mum just got in from works. Personally i don't think she should be working for reasons best known to me and a few select people. I've noticed Bevy makes really long posts and when i look at mine they feel kinda inferior in comparison.

I need to get round to asking my mum about me coming up to Welshland, but i also need to ask Bevy when she wants me to come up there and put a bucket on my head and pretend to be a pirate.... Yeah i'm cool!

Currently i'm playing checkers with Chris on MSN. I'm losing, but i haven't played this game in aaaaages. Okay it's 1-0 to Chris tis now the second game and i'm out for revenge beyatch! Okay revenge didn't work so well it's now 2-0 >.<. Hahaha i won!!! tis now 2-1 I am the King of the world all shall love me and have my babies. Yeah you heard me right, everyone will have my babies cos let's face it they'd be good looking kids =]!

Anywho i cbe to write more i dunno how Bevy does... I must ask her

Loves xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

The-Bev said...

lol im just a legend =P
